Dean's Speech

Dean's Word :

My sons students
With the beginning of the new academic year Bandmamkm to congratulate this great scientific edifice which met
 Great efforts until you came to this place to deliver to our children so dear produce
 Including giant cadres represent our beloved country and live up to the greatest stature.
The task in the future is to teach students enrolled in technical education and this requires you to effort and perseverance
 Received on all branches of science even Trkoa level of education for these students with the ideals of behavior
Educational for these students.
This requires practical reality is your dimensions which makes the total new home, which should be Tbdaa Tnhua your studies and in which respect for the university charters and values ​​and respect for the fundamentals and ideals that represent the identity of our nation and our personality and what landmarks of our being.
God bless you and made good for Egypt and Vera on your hands and you are builders of the future leaders of tomorrow, God willing.